A quick and un-official play-through video!

We are still waiting to put much information out about the actual game mechanics until we're 100% certain we are finished tweaking rules. This is so when After the Empire is released there will be no confusion when anyone tries to lookup resources and finds any older materials that may be outdated at that time.

But, we also understand that we need to put a little something out there, so people can get an idea of how to play this game, so they can tell if they might be interested. So, We made this brief little video last month with the sub heading "In-development rules as of 4/4/17" showing one round of the game.

Also, you get to see Ryan and Evan supporting their local game store (of which Ryan is co-owner), the Portland Game Store.

Here's the link: https://youtu.be/3mG6XHRtPyM