Filtering by Tag: Tim Eisner


We had a great time at Origins! Hanging out with friends, pitching games, and playing new ones! We got to hang out with our amazing fellow local game designer friends Tim and Ben Eisner, which is always a blast. We got to hang out and catch up with our friends at Grey Fox, who will be publishing our game After the Empire in the first half of 2019. Josh Lobkovicz, the amazing developer at Grey Fox, graciously took the time to give us some great tips on another project we're working on, but not quite ready to pitch at Origins.

But, we did bring a couple games that were ready to pitch, both of which saw significant publisher interest. You've seen Mountain God's Revenge before, but here's Ryan posing for the camera as we play 3 Ways to Die:

3 Ways to Die (current working title) is a coop zombie map and event deck based adventure game with elements of luck and gambling to keep it interesting! I don't think I've played a game yet where we weren't sure we were going to lose only to narrowly escape with our lives at least once! Each player is generally fighting their own battles and making their own choices of how to best use their resources to stay alive, so the loudest player telling everyone else what to do is not as prevalent here as in most coop games. Evan designed this one with his friend Cris Kelly about 6-7 years ago. We've been having a blast playing it ever since, and Ryan is helping put the finishing touches on it.

Evan got the chance to play the up and coming Fireball Island reboot. The original version helped form some of his lasting childhood friendships (they wanted to come over to play), and is at least partially responsible for his general nerdiness.

If you haven't already seen this, watch us show Mountain God's Revenge to Tom Vasel at 1:22:00. Ryan does the talking, while Evan's injured wrist does the setup!

Playing The Grimm Forest with Tim Eisner!

We got the opportunity to play Tim Eisner's new game through Druid City Games, The Grimm Forest. We've been honored to play with Tim before, but this was our first chance to sit down with his new game. We had a great time playing together! For a lighter weight game that you could play with your kids, I was surprised how much strategy they squeezed into it for us gamers to enjoy. The theme and flavor were great and really added to the play experience. Plus, of course, placing my little pig and building up the straw, wood, and brick houses was a blast!

You still have a chance to get in on the goodies in their kickstarter! If we are half as successful with our kickstarter this June as they have been for The Grimm Forest, we'll be very stoked!