Another awesome piece from Ted Ottosson!

Here's his first card from the Building deck, the Thieves' Guild! I love all the shady characters and intriguing dealings! Here's a preview of the card's flavor text Star Wars shout out: "A hideout for scum and villainy. Even the worst characters can bring about good if you know how to properly motivate them."

Check out this great piece from Ted Ottosson

To prove our game doesn't take itself TOO seriously, we have a couple things here and there that are a little more whimsical. The Quarry Dude from the Refugee Deck is one such. While the word "Quarryman" or "Stone Cutter" would've been perhaps a better choice, we just couldn't let our "Quarry Dude" go. So, we came up with this interpretation, based on the old usage of dude as a synonym of dandy. We hope you like it!